Acting Workshops
(live & online)
We offer various acting workshops on different topics and for all levels:
The Inspired Actor : Acting Technique
Workshop series for actors and drama students.
Dramatic Discoveries : Acting and Improv
Scene studies for actors, acting students and anyone interested with previous experience.
Wir bieten verschiedene Schauspielworkshops zu verschiedenen Themen und für alle Levels an:
The Inspired Actor : Schauspieltechnik
Workshopreihe für Schauspieler*innen und Schauspielstudent*innen.
Dramatic Discoveries : Schauspiel und Improv
Szenenstudien für Schauspieler*innen, Schauspielstudent*innen und alle Interessierten mit Vorerfahrung.
In your words
Was Teilnehmer*innen sagen
What did you do during the workshop?
Was hast du während des Workshops gemacht?
“Accessed a world beyond the membrane!”
“Den Kopf ausschalten, den eigenen Impulsen folgen und kreativ sein dürfen.”
“I learnt how to use my whole body as an instrument.”
“I released a lot of energy and moved the focus out of my head and into my body”
Describe the ideal student.
Was wird von den Teilnehmer*innen erwartet?
“You have to be vulnerable and interested in exploring all directions.”
“Pünktlich sein ;-)”
“You have to be open and brave enough to try out new and (seemingly) unfamiliar things.”
“Unvoreingenommen an die Übungen ranzugehen, Spielfreude und vorbereitet zum Unterricht zu erscheinen.”
“To be passionate about the craft.”
What did you learn?
Was hast du gelernt?
“I learnt to love my body and myself more, to trust the moment and not to try to control it.”
“Mein kreatives Potential anzuzapfen und damit zu arbeiten.”
“I learned how to look at things non-judgmentally and how to access a spirit of fun in the rehearsal space but also in everyday life.”
“Ich bin fokussierter und konzentrierter, ohne den Spaß am Spiel zu verlieren.”
“I’ve never been able to feel so free and powerful in any other classes.”
“Den Kopf ausschalten, den eigenen Impulsen folgen und kreativ sein dürfen.”
“I understood how to see myself as a whole person.”
Describe the workshop.
Wie würdest du den Unterrichtsstil beschreiben?
“I felt both supported and challenged, which is an amazing combination.”
“Es geht um den Prozess, nicht um Ergebnisse.”
“Creative, physical, playful, no right or wrong.”
“Wenig Theorie, viel Praxis, bunt.”
“Nothing is being imposed, limits are respected, no one is forced to go out of their comfort zone.”